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  • Lwazzie


It started off when I forced myself to wake up at 8+am. (According to my birth cert I was already 21 because I came out on 7:11am)

My family decided to "surprise" me while I was lazing in bed. After being bombarded by the birthday cards, we proceeded to celebrate by singing "Happy Birthday". Of course, nothing is complete without my dad's remix of "You're born in the zoo, you look like a monkey and you smell like one too" (thanks). Made a wish, blow candles, cut the cake, cake eating and then that was pretty much what Part 1 was about, nothing too fancy.

Part 2.

Initially I left home with what I thought was everything only to realise that I have forgotten to pick up my decorations (oh what a goondu, goondu just means dummy). I went back up, scooped up my party decor and rushed to meet my half (it's been 3 weeks since we last met up so picture my anticipation and excitement).

We wanted to fill our tummies first. We had congee and tofu for lunch. What followed next was the process of topping up my arcade card with the National Day deal as well as claiming my free credits. Continued on with grocery shopping for the remaining party supplies. Waited for his bunk mate and went back to the party venue. Chilled a bit and then went to setup the venue.

Oh ho ho, who knew all my guests would be late T_T?!

Food arrived on time but majority of my guests entered the party about half to an hour later. I swear if I have another party in the near future they'll have to take shots (not necessarily alcohol) for me before entering. Everything was pushed back, including cake cutting and my opportunities to entertain my guests. Another part was that most people were getting lost and none said anything (._.) (what's going on, haha?)

Nevertheless, part 2 was exciting because all I expected in the room was the pool table. Only to be surprised with mahjong table and a kbox machine HAHA. Now that I reflect again, I'm glad that I had a photo booth, message wall, UNO and poker cards for my guests. (hehe)

That's pretty much my 21st, time flies super fast when you're having fun. I had a great time, thank you to everyone who attended :)

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